Farsi translation in Dubai


Farsi translation

Farsi Translation in Dubai

Are you working on a project that needs Farsi translation in Dubai or any other part of UAE? Uncertain about whether you want to hire a professional Farsi translator? Leave your uncertainties at the door! At Al-Hadeed Translation Services, we provide top-notch Farsi translation services in Dubai. Dubai is one of the largest expat cities in the world, and as such, we receive Farsi translation inquiries from internationals who live and work here and beyond.

As a leading Farsi translation company in Dubai, we work with top clients from all over the world and can have your text translated and returned to you within the blink of an eye — high quality Farsi or Persian translation service in Dubai without the inflated costs. At Al-Hadeed Translation Services Dubai, We provide Farsi translation as per the language pairs below.

Farsi to English translation

Farsi to Arabic translation

English to Farsi translation

Arabic to Farsi translation

Why hire a professional Farsi translator in Dubai? Hiring a professional translator will make your work stand out and communicate your ideas more clearly and concisely. It is no fun if you have a major deadline from an employer, or a presentation due and your finished text is riddled with errors, or it simply makes no sense! A professional Farsi translator will make your work truly shine compared to an online translation machine or inexperienced one.

Our Farsi translators

At Al-Hadeed Translation Services, we have a team of Farsi/Persian language experts who can handle any kind of text. This includes film scripts, academic texts, business proposals, POAs, MOAs, legal documents… you name it! All members of our Farsi translators in Dubai have top qualifications and years of experience to boot. In addition to this, our Farsi experts also come from a wide range of professional fields. Your Farsi related project will be matched with the language expert who fits and is bested suited for the job. Before sending the files back to you, our professional Farsi proofreaders make sure that your project is flawless. Got an urgent project? No problem! We are always available (24/7!) to handle Farsi and other translation requests. We are known for our speedy response time and project completion times.

Our values

At Al-Hadeed Translation Services Dubai, we make product quality and customer service our main priorities. Our clients receive real-time status updates on their projects via e-mail or WhatsApp. In addition, we have a customer satisfaction guarantee… meaning that if you have any concern/issue with the work, we will rework it for you till your satisfaction.

All about Farsi language

Farsi, also known as Persian, is a Western Iranian language that is widely spoken throughout Afghanistan, Iran, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan. There are three main dialects: Western Persian, Dari, and Tajik. There are over 45 million native Farsi speakers worldwide. Farsi uses its own writing system, which similarly to Arabic script, is read and written from right to left; Farsi script has its roots in the ancient Aramaic alphabet. The only exception is in Tajikistan, where they write Farsi using the Cyrillic alphabet. Farsi has a very rich tradition in literature and poetry dating back centuries ago, including the works of Rumi and Hafez.

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