Translation and Transcription in Dubai by Al Hadeed

Translation and Transcription in Dubai

Beginners to the complex world of translation and interpretation might not know precisely what transcription is and what translation is. If you are one of them and want to figure them out, this article by the Al Hadeed Translation Services in Dubai will help you distinguish between these two services to evaluate which one would meet your needs best.

  • Translation can involve any original document, but it typically starts from a written form in one language that is transformed into another language by the translator's work.
  • This service of translation cannot always create a word-for-word correspondence. As the specific ideas in one language must be translated as a concept and not as individual words to provide the original phrase as accurately as possible.
  • Professional Translators must be native speakers of the target language and incredibly proficient in both the original and target languages in which they are translating.
  • The translation creates a new audience as a result of transitioning from one language to another.
  • Transcription means converting audio or video files into some written format, using one of the following three types of transcription, or combining those types.
    • Verbatim Transcription: A transcriptionist listens to the audio or video while writing down what they hear word-for-word.
    • Edited Transcription: A transcriptionist listens to the audio or video and can choose to omit parts of the file before transcribing them, so long as the meaning of the file is not changed.
    • Intelligent Transcription: A transcriptionist listens to audio or video and does not include emotions, half-sentences, or inaudible speech in the transcription.
  • Transcription often involves creating a document that serves as an index for an audiovisual file; along with notes of what time certain words and sentences appear (such as what sentence happens at minute 3 of the audio file).
  • Transcription alone doesn't interpret the words of the audiovisual file. It must be combined with interpretation or translation services to change the language.
  • Transcriptionists are quick thinkers and are quite proficient in their language and potentially a few dialect markers that appear in verbal speech.
  • Transcription creates a new audience by transitioning from a medium to another.

In both cases, the final product is a new document that allows a different audience to appreciate or understand the work of the original documents. Al Hadeed Translation Services Dubai has provided transcription and recording services to a huge number of arbitration proceedings successfully during the last few years.

When is Translation Needed?

The translation is helpful in several contexts: medical documents, legal documents, and informational flyers: all need to be translated if a person who must sign or otherwise interact with the document does not speak or read the original language. The translation is also famous for literary works that have a potential audience in a new language and news organizations who wish to reuse stories originally written in another language. This is great to use when you're looking to enter new markets, gain more significant footholds on current needs, and increase market share.

When is Transcription Needed?

Transcription is helpful for more than just one purpose. One of the significant reasons to transcribe (or make a transcript) of an audio or a video file is the added availability of a searchable document. If the original video, for example, is 1 hour long, a searchable transcript would allow a viewer to find the exact time when a particular subject was mentioned. Transcription is also used in journalistic and academic contexts for turning audio interviews into text documents that can be cited and quoted in articles and essays. Medical and legal contexts are also customary for transcription. For example, when a doctor or patient needs the information from a complex meeting with a medical professional in writing or when a court case requires transcripts of witness statements, transcription services are used.

At Al Hadeed Translation Services Dubai, our team of transcribers carries outstanding experience to transcribe any type of English and Arabic accent.

When Do Combined Services Make Sense?

There are numerous times when a video or audio file needs both transcription and translation services. For instance, if an instructional video is originally performed in English, a company may get transcription services to get the original script of the video, followed by translation services to make a new script in Spanish for producing a second version in a new language or to dub the original video. Whenever the document in question must be transitioned to a new medium and a new language, translation and transcription services should be combined.

If you want to know more about translation and transcription services of Al Hadeed Translation Services Dubai, do not hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to let you know of the several advantages that our highly trained professional translators will provide you with. AHTS offers reliable translation and transcription services alongside other services, including proofreading, interpretation, and subtitling services in Dubai. Our translators are specialized in medical, legal, marketing, and website development fields and provide translation in several languages.

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